Ashby House
Salina | (785) 826-4935
Celebrate Recovery
McPherson | (620) 241-4499
CKF Addiction Treatment
McPherson | (620) 241-5550
| (316) 660-7550
| (316) 265-6011
Firehouse AA
McPherson |
Life Recovery
McPherson | (620) 241-2675
Live Free Ministries
McPherson | (620) 241-9011
Mad Dog DAA
McPherson |
Wichita | (316) 264-5900
McPherson | 785-841-4138
Omega Project
McPherson | (620) 241-1371
Oxford Men
McPherson | (620) 718-2172, (620) 718-2198
Oxford Women
| (620) 718-2015
Prairie View
McPherson | (620) 245-5000
Recovery Workout
McPherson |
Saving Grace Women’s Home
Anywhere | 866-648-8650
Sober House Directory
McPherson and surrounding |
SOS meeting hall
McPherson | (620) 386-4319
Substance Abuse Center of Kansas
| (316) 267-3825
Valley Hope
| (800) 544-5101
Virtual Recovery Resources
Virtual |