
Discover areas to volunteer in your community.



For a list of current volunteer opportunities available in McPherson County, please visit the McPherson Chamber Volunteer Connections site.


Churches United in Ministry https://stjosephmcpherson.com/parish-life/charitable-services/42-churches-united-in-ministry-42 (620) 241-8331
215 S Main St, McPherson


Food Banks see Food for contact info.


Habitat for Humanity www.mcphersonhabitat.org  620-242-7789
1017 Darlow Drive
McPhersonKS 67460


Humane Society https://mcphersonhumanesociety.com/ 620-241-3682
We provide food, shelter, medical care and love to lost and unwanted cats until a permanent home can be found.


The Hangout https://thehangoutmac.com/ 620-241-2675
1455 N. Main St, McPherson
Our mission is to provide a safe, trauma informed space for the teens in our community. A space where they are able to find unconditional love and the ability to be empowered through structured programs. These programs will assist in teaching skill building, interpersonal relationships, life skills, self love and care, altruism and love for those around them. Laundry services, self care/hygiene items and a clothing store for 6th-12th graders.


McPherson Housing Coalition https://mcphersonhousingcoalition.org/how-i-can-help/ 620-241-7828
1826 14th Ave, McPherson
See “How Can I Help” on website or contact for opportunities.


McPherson Community Events https://www.chamberdata.net/webforms/evtlistingmainsearch.aspx?dbid2=ksmp&class=C 620-241-3303
306 N. Main St, McPherson
A list of non-profit events in McPherson County that are open to the public.


Meals on Wheels https://www.facebook.com/p/Meals-on-Wheels-of-McPherson-KS-Inc-100068086205401/ 620-241-5233
Drivers often needed to deliver meals.


Opera House https://mcphersonoperahouse.org/volunteer/ 620-241-1952
Volunteers needed for shows, consignment shop and tour guide.


Outreach McPherson https://macfmc.org/reach 620-241-7176 or 620-241-7179
1010 S Maple, McPherson
Outreach McPherson accepts donations of used furniture in good condition.


Re-Use It https://www.mcphersonreuseitcenter.com/ 620-245-0122
120 Old US 81, McPherson
Receiving, Tagging, Stocking, Repairing, Testing, Cleaning, Pricing Products, assisting customers, yard maintenance, cashier, advertising, marketing


Save n Share https://www.savenshare.org/ 620-241-7389
209 S Main, McPherson
Receiving, Tagging, Stocking, Repairing, Testing, Cleaning, Pricing Products, assisting customers, cashier.


Senior Centers see Senior Services for contact info.


STEPMC https://www.stepmc.org/ 620-241-9011
1200 E. Kansas, McPherson
Contact for opportunities.


YMCA https://ymca-mrc.org/give/ 620-241-0363
Contact for opportunities.